PiGFest 3.0
The heroes of the StarCraft 2 community. Check out these legends who were so generous and allowed PiGFest 3.0 AND PiGFest 4.0 to happen!
PiGFest 3.0 was capped at $10,000 USD and any donations over that spilled right into PiGFest 4.0. At the conclusion of the first donation period, there was already $7,728.31 raised! PiG will hold another funding round closer to the date of the tournament, which will be held sometime between July and October.
Watch all of the matches from PiGFest 3.0 in the PiG Casts Youtube Playlist!
CrateEntertainment | $5,000.00 |
brainless | $1,015.24 |
Vinay | $1,000.00 |
jakub_golan | $1,000.00 |
M Gibson | $1,000.00 |
glakofahn | $642.91 |
Zenga | $500.00 |
nhutton_1 | $500.00 |
eseltec | $400.00 |
lazybipolarbear | $250.00 |
SonOfHisashi | $200.00 |
MohairAbyss | $200.00 |
TheFluffy_Puppy | $150.00 |
tree | $150.00 |
justlegalese | $132.24 |
ericpodeofcroyden | $125.00 |
Sensios | $113.17 |
chrumpak | $105.44 |
GrünfeldBach | $103.23 |
MacrocosM_sc2 | $101.69 |
cpx86 | $100.00 |
seedingchaos | $100.00 |
LEAVELbw | $100.00 |
drzalost | $100.00 |
qtbt | $100.00 |
SoShiny | $100.00 |
glaba | $100.00 |
BR | $100.00 |
eehh | $100.00 |
CoachZ | $100.00 |
B Hansen | $100.00 |
Wizhi | $95.00 |
KingSlorche | $93.00 |
DrGoloson | $80.08 |
yoloite | $69.69 |
scjaxx | $69.00 |
SQUAR270 | $65.90 |
rohan | $65.77 |
pethr1 | $50.00 |
TimeToTell | $50.00 |
SaulGoodman | $50.00 |
level1character | $50.00 |
Anonymous | $50.00 |
dsaucey | $50.00 |
nolink4994 | $50.00 |
StoyanStoyanov | $50.00 |
dances-with-gnomes | $50.00 |
Tingles | $50.00 |
Archoff | $50.00 |
lacicoco | $50.00 |
oozi82 | $50.00 |
HelmsDeepState | $50.00 |
fnord | $50.00 |
twho | $40.00 |
FiddeBo | $35.00 |
EidamProtoss | $30.00 |
kirkjulu | $30.00 |
Mensrea | $30.00 |
Keisa | $26.45 |
relic_man | $26.00 |
DarthDuval | $25.00 |
kathorsees | $25.00 |
codroh | $25.00 |
qwerty259 | $25.00 |
Velcius | $25.00 |
Raglock | $25.00 |
GregV | $25.00 |
Darkmatter_Synthesis | $25.00 |
Origamipyro | $25.00 |
Beerdrinker | $25.00 |
TheSwiss_SC2 | $23.45 |
Dae | $21.15 |
cweaturesau | $20.26 |
Delf | $20.02 |
Kantodor | $20.00 |
AerobicThrone | $20.00 |
FlyingSquirrel | $20.00 |
nockawa | $20.00 |
Klant | $20.00 |
zachd | $20.00 |
foXLing | $20.00 |
Le0cordis | $20.00 |
Cimiur | $20.00 |
xeeric | $20.00 |
Cleanpea | $20.00 |
LoversLounge | $20.00 |
DrMake | $20.00 |
QuestionMonkey | $20.00 |
Holopassion | $20.00 |
xdeama | $15.00 |
taminoSc2 | $15.00 |
Pelagos | $15.00 |
nnn946 | $15.00 |
haldy101 | $13.30 |
yordle260 | $13.00 |
AfreecaTV | $10.66 |
HorstLocal | $10.62 |
neverallz | $10.54 |
InternistGamer | $10.00 |
destrynd | $10.00 |
SindarSC2 | $10.00 |
10 | $10.00 |
MajorGlory | $10.00 |
HorteHighwind | $10.00 |
Mandus85 | $10.00 |
gnuoy000 | $10.00 |
michem | $10.00 |
cscsabee | $10.00 |
totalgeth60 | $10.00 |
Edmon | $10.00 |
fabrizzi007 | $10.00 |
Nurble | $10.00 |
Rakshas | $10.00 |
akratic | $10.00 |
sl_id_55b091eb-9c49-3fd1- | $10.00 |
EsportEnthusiast | $10.00 |
MP | $10.00 |
needajp | $10.00 |
Seki | $10.00 |
Terranisaur | $10.00 |
tigermare | $10.00 |
Chepi141 | $10.00 |
Poonjam | $10.00 |
Ianchavis | $10.00 |
Murfffi | $10.00 |
Elislav | $10.00 |
MrChaz | $10.00 |
ModernShoe | $10.00 |
Thunfisch | $10.00 |
kalamel88 | $10.00 |
eskurian | $10.00 |
Shadow | $10.00 |
Jsgh | $10.00 |
Randawl | $10.00 |
Felix | $10.00 |
Sinkr0 | $10.00 |
Balder | $10.00 |
Pie | $10.00 |
anonymous12345 | $10.00 |
Gyalgatine | $10.00 |
REYNORfan | $10.00 |
NickBreckon | $10.00 |
Cmgbax | $10.00 |
Kody | $10.00 |
SwaggyS69 | $10.00 |
Vaclav | $10.00 |
SkyNine | $10.00 |
AnalysisSC2 | $10.00 |
Ortinco | $7.00 |
deadgamer | $7.00 |
Melloh_Live | $6.76 |
AdoubleJ | $6.71 |
StracraftBoyJP | $6.19 |
bloodmoon121312 | $5.32 |
Firnros | $5.32 |
viiiage8 | $5.00 |
GO_MAXPAX | $5.00 |
Diana | $5.00 |
bobinhoshow | $5.00 |
thonicc | $5.00 |
lowkotastic | $5.00 |
Penywise66 | $5.00 |
slowiran | $5.00 |
Naveeeeed | $5.00 |
autoexec_bat | $5.00 |
manases | $5.00 |
kwayway | $5.00 |
Sash | $5.00 |
IfIHadaWankIdWank4U | $5.00 |
ultraSalubrious | $5.00 |
Fil | $5.00 |
bulya256 | $5.00 |
StarcraftHistorian | $5.00 |
Solindar | $5.00 |
Tjibbe | $5.00 |
Christulip | $5.00 |
Amalaira | $4.20 |
rafa3lico | $4.00 |
medicOG | $3.00 |
tassadar_the_executor | $3.00 |
knifemind | $3.00 |
janosh12 | $3.00 |
janpeter | $3.00 |
Nothanks | $3.00 |
sl_id_94586896-4f30-330d- | $3.00 |
Crp | $1.00 |
anon | $1.00 |